Our Missionaries
The Barnhoorns
Wycliffe – Jos, Nigeria
When the Barnhoorns first moved to Nigeria, Jono started by working with one language of the Koro cluster, Nyankpa. Soon he began managing the four languages, overseeing the activities of the mother-tongue translators in each of the languages and trying to engage the communities to take more ownership of the project. Training and advising were his main tasks. Gradually, as more help became available, the management of the cluster was handed off, and Jono has now been focusing on the Nyankpa language work again. Understanding the grammar of the language helps Jono to ensure a quality translation. Janice has also recently added to her role as a mother to become the human resources director, overseeing the wellbeing of all the staff in Nigeria.

Jono, Janice, Stephen, Samuel, Silas and Esther
Mario & Yoland Matos
Resonate Global Mission – Dominican Republic

Mario, Yolanda, Susana and Magdalena Matos
Mario Luis Matos was born and lives in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic with his wife Yolanda, and their two daughters Susana and Magdalena, where he serves as founding director of the Center for Transforming Missions Dominican Republic – CTMD which is part of the Leadership Foundations movement. He has served as evangelist, church planter, and Community Development worker since 1990 and also serves as the executive director of COCREF – Christian Reformed Schools. Mario earned an M.A. in Theology and Education at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI. and is ordained with the Christian Reformed Church in the Dominican Republic. Mario’s passion is to equip and mentor other leaders for Christian service.
Steve & Beth Sywulka
World Renew – Southern Africa Ministry Team.

Steve Sywulka
Living Justice, Loving Mercy, Serving Christ
Compelled by God’s deep passion for justice & mercy, World Renew joins communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation.
World Renew envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ’s compassion and live together in hope as God’s community.
Ken Mohle
Minto Youth For Christ – Youth Centre Director (Palmerston, Clifford)
Hi! My name is Ken Mohle and I have been a YFC Minto staff person for four years. I am married to Margreet and we have 4 children, ages 10 to 20. We live in Palmerston and like living in this community very much!
My call to youth ministry began when my pastor called me and asked if I would be interested in being a part of youth ministry with Youth for Christ in Minto. Since then, it has become clear to me that God wants me to be in ministry with youth.
The motto of YFC: “Every young person living fully in Christ,” resonates with me since, as a Christian, I see everyone around me, including youth, as created and loved by God and His desire is for everyone to believe in Him.

Ken and Margreet Mohle